Bella's Pedigree



Amber Sky Tequila Sunrise (USA)
Rumajas Amber Sky Crimson Rudy Keepsake's Brickhouse Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
Rumajas Amber Sky Pride And Joy RumajasKing Jake
Miss Chantily Lace Of York
Rumajas Amber Sky Crimson Keepsake Cajun Kellygreens Kardinal
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
Rumajas Amber Sky Crimson Cherry Keepsake's Brickhouse
RumajasAmber Sky Pride And Joy


Newscotland's Crown Jewel

Amber Sky Crimson Woodrow Will (USA)

Kelleygreens Crimson Tide II Kelleygreens Foxy
Kelleygreen Red Delicious
Bohunkus' Gold Star Kelleygreens Tristan
Bohunkus' Little Rascal
Ferguson's Gingerbread Ferguson's Huntfield Chitto (USA) Huntfields Redcoat Bracken Son
TTF Huntfieldsredcoat Kate
Ferguson's Heartz Of Penny Buck and Heartz Montana Red (USA)
Keepsake's Penny Of Ferguson (USA)